Healing Boxes

Healing Box

 Here are the basic instructions for the box, you can scroll down for more suggestions.

There is nothing magical about this box. The process is simple manifestation. The box gives you a visual aid to assist in manifesting health and wellbeing. The instructions are designed to give you the basic steps for manifesting health so you can begin the process of healing. With all manifesting, if the desired outcome isn’t in line with your soul’s path, it will not happen. Spiritual healing should not take the place of conventional medicine, it is best when used in conjunction with conventional medicine.


There are 4 basic steps to this process-Each step should be completed before going to the next step.

Location of the box-The box should be kept where you will see it daily. Seeing the box will remind you about the healing you are manifesting for yourself.

One box for one person-The box can only be used for one person at a time. If the box changes owners, a clearing process would be beneficial (either sage or a light salt solution on the wood only).

Read over all steps- It is best to read through the instructions first, prep work may be required.

Manifesting Health and Wellbeing   Meditating will help you clear your mind before starting the process.

1.      Love- We always start from a place of love. Picture a person or animal or thing that you love. You want to feel the love in your heart, so really imagine a scenario that feels real to you.  For example, if you love petting your cat, take a few minutes to imagine doing this activity or better yet actually do it.


2.      Intention- Once you feel the love in your heart, set your intention. Intentions should be stated positively. For example, if you have a rash on your leg, it would be natural to say “I want the red itchy bumps on my leg to go away”. However, when setting an intention, it is better if you say “I want healthy clear skin on my leg”. Give this some thought before starting the process. 

Write your intention down in a positive statement so you won’t forget the wording. Now close your eyes and imagine yourself healthy, how does it feel, what does it look like? After a few minutes place your intention into your box. It may also be helpful to have a picture of yourself when you were healthy or without the condition that you are trying to heal.


3.      Forgive- Some health issues may be related to bad relationships or situations that you were/are in. Life circumstances may sit in your energy field and then manifest into actual diseases and conditions that you are experiencing. So doing a forgiveness meditation or simply forgiving the people in your life that have caused turmoil will help in this process. You can forgive the person directly or out loud to yourself. It is best to do the forgiving first but if this step is complicated for you, finish the healing box process and then work on the forgiveness. If you can’t imagine a situation or person to forgive, just do a general forgiveness of everyone and all situations that may have caused negative energy for you. 

Now close your eyes and forgive, forgive yourself, your family or God- whatever makes sense to you. Release the resentment or ill feelings that you are holding. This step should not be skipped even if you believe the illness has nothing to do with your past.


4.      Believe- Now that you have completed steps 1-3, you need to let go and believe that healing has begun. Believing that you can heal yourself may be the hardest step in the process. If you struggle with believing any part of it, you may need to start with believing that manifesting works. Begin by thinking that manifesting is possible. I certainly believe in this process, I have seen it work time and time again but for the beginner, it may feel impossible or fake. What do you have to lose?

Now make it your own. You can create or find objects to put in your box to represent the work that you have done. 

Finding a picture of you healthy and happy would be a good object to include in your box. Anything that would represent a healthier you would also suffice. 

Forgiving is difficult for some people.  If you find that forgiving people is complicated, you can write a letter of forgiveness or use a forgiveness prayer to release the past circumstances. Maybe you can’t forgive the action but you could forgive the person on a soul level. Make this meaningful to you. Forgiveness may take time depending on the situation. Put any letters or prayers you created into the box.

 Another idea is writing down a mantra or saying to help with manifesting. Something like “I believe I can heal” write it down, say it each day and include this in your box. There are so many possibilities to personalizing the box such as healing crystals, words on cards, a simple drawing. Make this process your own by creating meaningful objects to support your intention- it helps with manifesting your healing.  

Happy Healing! - Geri

All the healing boxes are made with quality wood and contain 4 steps to manifest healing. 

Do you believe? I believe all healing is self healing. However, you can put up blocks to prevent yourself from healing. Most of the time these are subconscious blocks. If you find yourself not believing that you can manifest your own health then you may want to practice manifesting other smaller things first. This may give you the confidence to heal yourself.  Manifesting objects most likely will be  different than the 4 steps I described here for healing. Giving away the object that you want will help you manifest it faster for example giving some money to charities may help you manifest more money but with health I would not recommend that. When you are healing you need to keep yourself strong and as healthy as possible, if you give away healing, it may not benefit you in the end. If you are a healer already, you have banked healing karma, that may really help you in a time of need. 

Try This:

If you start small you are more likely to believe in the result happening.  You can put out an intention for finding 5 pennies or  a yellow butterfly. Put out the intention and then do the work. Look on the ground when you are walking or be open to any kind of yellow butterfly to appear (real, painted, etc.) Really believe it will happen, picture success.  When it happens, don't discount it by saying that would of happened anyway.  Do it again with something different. Believing is hard because your subconscious can't be fooled, it has to believe also. There are many books on this topic such as The Secret, You can do some research on how to manifest. 

Mental blocks: You can also block yourself from healing because you don't want to be healthy,.....really! That doesn't seem possible but some people are afraid to be healthy, they may not get what they are seeking when they are healthy. For instance, a person may get a lot of sympathy and visitors when they are sick so they remain sick to help with their loneliness- usually this is very subconscious. If you are helping someone with this box, it is best not to point out these subconscious patterns. The person healing really has to do the work. 

Try This:

If you are not getting the results that you expect, try to look for blocks. There are many things that could be blocking you but a sure fire way to unblock yourself is to do a general clearing or release. I would call in my guides and ask for help for the release. If you are tuned into your guides, follow their directions. If you aren't tuned into your spirit team, ask them to help and trust they are there and then state "I am releasing any situation, past life blocks or subconscious thoughts that would be hindering my healing".  Always thank your guides for the help.